Meal Planning for Parents
Get out of the 5:00 dinner frenzy and into a system and routine of meal planing that's realistic and sustainable for you!
We get it. Let's fix that! This self-paced course is for you if:
You WANT to meal plan but can't stick with a pattern or system that actually works for your family!
You meal plan, but it's a HUGE time-suck! You're done with spending 2 hours coming up with 5 meals!
You want to work at reducing food waste and your grocery bill while still making nourishing meals.
You want to learn about other meal planning options/services that give you a done-for-you plan!
*Prices in Canadian dollars. No additional HST on purchase price.
Welcome to Meal Planning for Parents!
How to navigate this course
Disclaimer & Terms of Service
Why bother meal planning?
4 Reasons why meal planning may not actually be your problem!
Intro to the 5 pillars of meal planning
Step 1 - Plan to plan
Step 2 - Figure out the frequency
Step 3 - Find the right tool
Step 4 - Know your influential factors
Step 5 - Take inventory
Step 6 - Create your master list
Step 7 - Create your Grocery List
Grocery shopping strategies
Meal Prep Scheduling
Tools for meal prep
What food to prep
Cooking and cleaning up strategies
A pre-fab meal plan won't solve your problems. Because eventually you'll get sick of it and then what?! We're teaching you the "HOW TO" of efficient meal planning.
We're not Michelin star chefs.
We don't have a meal delivery service.
We're not selling meal plans that you'll eat one week and be bored of the next!
We're teaching you systems! Reproducible systems that work for busy families!
Rosanne Robinson is the course creator and teacher. She is the co-owner of Blueprint Nutrition and a Registered Dietitian for kids and families since 2009. As an entrepreneur and busy mom of 2, she gets the meal planning struggle!
This course does not contain any pre-fab meal plans. The #1 goal of this course is to give you all the tools and strategies you need to do your own meal planning in a way that works for your family. We do however provide you with a "Master List Springboard" of 100 recipe links to help with inspiration, as well as a list of meal planning services available on the interwebs if you're are looking to purchase done-for-you meal plans.
The content in the course is also applicable for ANY human who meal plans :) The course is created however to address common issues of meal planning within the context of a family unit with children who are still living at home.
Access to the course is for the "lifetime of the course". Meaning, so long as our business is around and the course is running, you will have access to it. If we would decide to no longer offer the course or remove it from our course offerings, we would provide 90 days written notice so you could complete the course and download any/all material available for download in the course.
No problem! Just send us an email to [email protected] and we will get back to you ASAP!