Races are done ... now what do I eat?

You’re finished your goal races for the year, and are now ready to enjoy the off-season. However, after a few weeks of reduced mileage, you start to wonder:

  • Am I eating enough? Or not enough?

  • Do I still have to eat carbs even though I’m not training as much?

  • Should I still be having a pre and post workout snack? What about fueling during longer workouts?

  • Are there any nutrients I should make sure I’m getting enough of in the off-season?

  • Will I be slower if I gain weight now? Should I be making changes to my body composition?

Is it "all or nothing" during the off-season for you?

P.S. There is another way!

It can be easy to gravitate towards an “all or nothing” mentality during the off-season, where all your best laid plans and habits go out the window when you don’t have the motivation of a goal race looming in the near future. BUT, what you do in the off-season will help you build a solid foundation for your next season. With a few key strategies, you can go from feeling confused and frustrated in the off-season to feeling relaxed and confident, knowing that your body is getting everything it needs for rest and recovery to come back stronger and faster than ever!
Athlete, man, eating an energy bar with his headphones on.

Your Investment

This master class is for you if:

  • You feel confused about what to eat, how much to eat, and/or how to fuel your off-season workouts

  • You want to feel fully recovered for your next training cycle and make sure you’re getting all the nutrition you need

  • You eat the same throughout the year, and don’t know how to make adjustments to your diet to best support your goals in the off-season

  • Now that training has slowed or changed, you’re back to fearing and restricting carbs, but then cycle between “being good” all day and giving in to cravings all evening

  • You want to focus on strength gains or other body composition goals and not sure where to start

A crystal clear plan for the off-season is yours!

And here's exactly what's included!

  • 60 minutes of teaching

    This pre-recorded masterclass is presented by Registered Dietitian and sports nutritionist Cara Kasdorf. Cara goes through all the information and practical take-aways that you'll need to get started!

  • A roadmap to customize your off-season

    Included in the masterclass is a detailed workbook, complete with checklists and templates to develop your own off-season plan for this year (and years to come)!

Your instructor, dietitian and coach

Registered Dietitian & Sports Nutritionist Cara Kasdorf

As a Registered Dietitian/Sports Nutritionist and marathon runner herself (12 full marathons and too many half marathons to count!), Cara understand the unique needs, demands, and challenges of endurance athletes. She is committed to helping athletes find sustainable approaches to eating that fuels them for their pursuits in their sport and life. Cara has worked with many high-performing athletes including marathoners, ironman athletes, and triathletes who have placed on the world stage, as well as players from team sports including OHL and NHL level hockey players. Cara is the co-owner of Blueprint Nutrition, a virtual nutrition practice that serves two distinct populations - athletes and children. Her training includes a Bachelor of Human Nutritional Science from the University of Manitoba, a Master of Applied Nutrition and Dietetic Internship from the University of Guelph, and numerous continuing education course in eating disorders, body image, and sport nutrition.


  • What if I don't train for long distance events - is this training still applicable?

    While the content will be focused for athletes training for longer distance events (and that have distinct training seasons and off-seasons), the information will still be applicable to athletes of all levels and training for different events.

  • What if I'm already training for my next race and no longer in the "off-season"?

    This training will still provide valuable content and guidance for your next off-season, as well as review some key differences between in-season and off-season nutrition, which you can start applying right away!

  • What if I'm a beginner runner/triathlete - will this be helpful?

    Absolutely! This training will provide information for all levels of athletes. If you're just starting out, NOW is an excellent time to build some solid habits in your nutrition practices.